Fans can see an 11-minute trailer of "Angel in Amish Country, The Perry Reese Jr. Story," a film by Maximo and Mizicko, at This article originally appeared on The ...
which prohibits the making of "graven images," the Amish believe any physical representation of themselves (whether a photograph, a painting, or film) promotes individualism and vanity ...
All Amish communities today are offshoots of this group. 2. What about photography and videography? The film shows Amish people, but also says they cannot be photographed. Amish churches forbid ...
When Sarah, who grew up in an Amish community, casually suggests the idea of an Amish cookbook, her boss sends her home for Christmas to develop one. Sarah hasn't been home for years, having left ...
In movies like Witness and TV shows like Vanilla Ice Goes Amish, the Amish are depicted as folks who avoid technology and effectively live in the 19th century. In the list below, adapted from an ...
The film, titled "Angel in Amish Country, The Perry Reese Jr. Story," features interviews with over 70 people who knew Reese, including family, friends, and former players. The filmmakers believe ...