MARTÍNEZ-INSUA, ANA ELINA and PÉREZ-GUERRA, JAVIER 2011. An open-sesame approach to English noun phrases: defining the NP (with an introduction to the special issue). English Language and Linguistics, ...
The noun phrases which these prepositions introduce are often rather formal and it may be more natural to use because in informal, conversational English. But remember that because is a ...
The previous two chapters were an attempt at providing an observationally adequate description of preposition placement in British and Kenyan English: employing empirical methods, various ...
Longman Grammar of Written and Spoken English) ...using the present simple, or the present continuous, with adverbials such as adverbs (currently), prepositional phrases (in the future), some nouns ...
“You don’t look your age!” Well, I am my age, so...thanks. While probably intended to convey a positive connotation or framed as a compliment to another, these statements ring undertones of ...
One of the least controversial things you can say about the first volume of Capital, Karl Marx’s sprawling, neologizing, ...
Instead, it is contained by another sentence constituent, usually a noun phrase. Like all clauses ... clauses in which the object of preposition and more deeply embedded positions are relativized. 1.
George Bernard Shaw was once quoted stating that “England and America are two nations divided by a common language.” Today, ...
Author and professor of linguistics Geoffrey K. Pullum discusses the importance of grammar and not letting subjective grammar ...
They film a sentence. English students at LGF were instructed to think up a sentence with a prepositional phrase—“Jimmy jumped on a table”—and then create a short video of the sentence ...
An American woman who recently moved to Delhi was particularly intrigued by the unique words and phrases used in “Indian English” on a daily basis. In a video now going viral, Kristen Fischer ...
Some nouns, particularly abstract nouns, have to be followed by a prepositional phrase in order to demonstrate what they relate to. They cannot just stand by themselves. There is usually only one ...