Viewing Jupiter in ultraviolet light really brings out the planet's storms. The Hubble Space Telescope recently snapped an ultraviolet image of the gas giant, offering a stunning false-color look ...
Astronomers have produced a remarkable new image of Jupiter, tracing the glowing regions of warmth that lurk beneath the gas giant's cloud tops. The picture was captured in infrared by the Gemini ...
It’s been imaged by spacecraft—notably by NASA’s Juno in recent months—but this is the best-ever image using an Earth-based instrument. Jupiter moon Io, imaged by SHARK-VIS on Jan. 10 ...
Jamie Carter is an award-winning reporter who covers the night sky. An image of Jupiter and Io as seen by NASA's Juno on August 18, 2024 during its 64rd perijove. ... [+] Processed by citizen ...
Jupiter looks good in all kinds of light. A set of images released Tuesday show the planet in infrared, visible, and ultraviolet light. The combination reveals Jupiter's characteristic Great Red ...
This ultraviolet image of coronal loops on the Sun was taken using the 335 angström channel of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly telescope on NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory. Earth is shown to ...
like our very own Jupiter. On June 27th the spacecraft did just that, and the resulting image (and animation) might be one of its finest ever. The photo, which NASA has chosen to highlight in a ...
There are hundreds of active volcanoes on Io. The new one is located just south of Io’s equator and the Juno images show ...
(CNN)-- In an unusual step, NASA scientists interrupted testing of the refurbished Hubble Space Telescope to aim the orbiter's camera at Jupiter and capture an image of the planet's mysterious new ...
Scientists believe the moon's water, chemistry and energy could support life. Marking the latest foray into space exploration ...
These lattices of tryptophan, an amino acid that strongly absorbs and emits in the ultraviolet, are scaffolded within much larger protein assemblies that self-organize in neurons, centrioles ...