Attached to the vehicle's mirror was a yellow ribbon used to signal remembrance of the hostages, and inside the vehicle was an air freshener in the shape of an Israeli flag. The vehicle ...
The Israeli flag will be flown over the state capitol beginning on Wednesday, announced Senate President Pro Tempore Martin M. Looney and Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff. This comes as the Israel ...
Disturbing images and video captured the moment three masked anti-Israel protesters ignited a pair of American flags and an Israeli flag outside the Jewish State’s consulate Wednesday.
who shared a photo of a young woman wrapped in the Israeli flag next to the caption "Stand with Israel" to all of her 13 million followers. Actress Jamie Lee Curtis, winner of the Academy Award ...
Berdichevsky, 41, was rescued, and his family was evacuated to Eilat. Next week, he will serve as a flag bearer for Israel’s delegation, which includes 28 athletes. He says he feels a newfound ...
A resolution calling for the Boston City Council to condemn the Hamas terror attack on Israel ahead of the first anniversary of the event that sparked war in the region led to some unexpected ...
many waving Israeli flags and dressed in the colors of his favorite soccer team. Mourners lined a major road as the procession made its way to the cemetery. "We all failed you," said Jon Goldberg ...
An individual dressed in black then set fire to a flag that depicted both the American flag and Israel’s Star of David. A protester then placed an American flag on top of the smoldering ashes.
“After a few days, I remembered that I’d helped arrange the start of school ceremony a month before and that the flags had been stored, ” she told The Times of Israel. Worried that the ...
A mixed Israel-American flag was thrown onto the street and set on fire. As it burned, someone threw an American flag on top of it. In a video Brendan Gutenschwager posted on X, formerly Twitter ...
Up to 7,000 unruly anti-Israeli protesters — including some proudly waving Hamas flags — stormed through the Big Apple on Labor Day, lighting flares and setting off smoke bombs as they ...