Bacteria commonly utilize nitrate and nitrite as terminal electron acceptors for respiration in the absence of oxygen, or for incorporation in biomass. However, it was only recently described that ...
Later, Brown learned the horrifying truth: It wasn't a supplement. It was sodium nitrite − a hazardous chemical compound Bennett ordered to use for ending his own life. Shortly after using the ...
Nitrogen is one of the primary nutrients critical for the survival of all living organisms. Although nitrogen is very abundant in the atmosphere, it is largely inaccessible in this form to most ...
(Nanowerk News) Nitrite is commonly used as a food additive, but when ingested, it can harm the body's oxygen transport system. The World Health Organization limits nitrite to 1.0 mg/L in drinking ...
This could indicate a bacterial infection, depending on symptoms and whether bacteria and/or nitrites (a by-product of certain bacteria) are present. A urine culture can determine if you have a ...
Leading scientists and a cross-party group of politicians are calling for chemicals called nitrites to be removed from processed meats like bacon. Cancer specialists and politicians are among ...
Taking a small detour into chemistry here, a key concept to understanding the health impact of nitrogen-based compounds is ...
They’re found in fruit, veg and cured meat, but why is it that we are warned against eating some foods with nitrates and nitrites in, but we’re told to fill our fridges with others?
Those chemicals are called nitrites and nitrates — and they are part of a family of preservatives commonly used in preparing bacon, salami and sausages for safe consumption. But First Light is ...
This is a differential medium. It is used to determine if an organism is capable of reducing nitrate (NO 3-) to nitrite (NO 2-) or other nitrogenous compounds via the action of the enzyme nitratase ...