The torrential rains have killed more than 1,000 people and displaced hundreds of thousands more across the region this year.
There have been multiple documented incidents where large constrictors have swallowed humans whole, with ecological factors ...
German media are warning about a boomslang snake prowling in the northern part of the country. The reptile, originating from ...
German media are warning about a boomslang snake prowling in the northern part of the country. The reptile, which originated ...
On social media, Durban snake rescuer Nick Evans started seeing pictures of vine snakes sighted around Durban, so he wondered ...
ANTIVENOM stock shortages are “dire” as South Africa approaches summer and snakes become more active. It’s estimated that ...
If you’re thinking about welcoming a new scaly-skinned addition to your home, allow us to introduce you to the best types of ...
This animal is typical of sub—Saharan Africa. This is a small snake that attacks from trees from above, slowly moving along ...
THREE Southern African Pythons were recently rescued by Jason Arnold from under the M4 Ruth First Highway near La Mercy.
An African snake is being cared for by authorities in Connecticut after apparently being abandoned in a reservoir area.
What are some of the benefits of snake plants? The snake plant is one of the most beneficial indoor plants. Discover some ...