The boy once known as “Baby 81,” who was pulled from the mud as an infant after the devastating Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 ...
From Elf on the Shelf to cookie swaps, matching pajama sets, ugly sweater office parties, and countless other traditions, the ...
Photo courtesy of World Vision The tsunami that struck Sri Lanka 20 years ago on December 26, 2004 was the most destructive ...
Pulled from the mud as an infant after the devastating Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004, and reunited with his parents following ...
Colombo: Sri Lanka Navy has rescued over 100 Rohingyas, including 25 children, from Myanmar distressed in the seas off the ...
A rare genetic disorder, Congenital Methemoglobinemia, has been diagnosed for the first time in Sri Lanka, affecting a child from the Medawachchiya area in Anuradhapura ...
As Sri Lanka marks the 20-year anniversary of the tsunami, we highlight the incredible spirit of Sri Lankans and the ...
The second Multi-Sectoral National Action Plan to Address Sexual and Gender Based Violence (2024-2028) was launched recently ...