During the 25th Dynasty, known as the “Kushite Dynasty,” rulers like Piye and Taharqa governed Egypt, blending African and Egyptian cultures. The Kingdom of Kush’s influence was marked by ...
Sudan's priceless archaeological heritage is being stripped from museums, with looters loading statuettes and fragment ...
Reports continue to emerge of the alleged looting of tens of thousands of artifacts from the Sudan National Museum in ...
Ryan Wheeler will conduct research at the Museo Egizio in Turin, Italy in Summer 2024. His project focuses on the museum’s objects belonging to King Taharqa, a pharaoh from the 25th Sudanese dynasty ...
A picture shows a view of the 7th century BC King Taharqa of the 25th Kushite empire dynasty as workers move it from the entrance of the Sudan National Museum to a new location within, during an ...
Ancient artefacts tell of some of the most advanced civilisations in history, a touchstone for future generations to ...