Jill Stoffers first became interested in working with people from different countries during high school when she was part of the AFS (American Field Service) club and participated in Model United ...
Scott Pulizzi is an accomplished international development professional who brings 25 years of experience to the classroom. He has worked with United Nations agencies, national governments, ...
Professor Ganiban earned his B.A. in Latin from Yale University, and his M.A. and Ph.D. in Classics from Princeton University. Between college and graduate school, he attended the post-Baccalaureate ...
Potter was trained as a Soviet specialist and wrote his first book on the technology, economics, and politics of nuclear nonproliferation. He soon became fascinated by parallels in Soviet and U.S.
Help shape Middlebury's future.
Serbian Action is an organization predicated upon Serbian and Orthodox Christian nationalisms imbued with a distinctly clerical fascist and accelerationist orientation. Established in 2010 by a lawyer ...
Mark joined Middlebury College as the Dean of Spiritual and Religious Life and Director of the Scott Center in 2016. In his various roles he works to make spiritual and religious life relevant, ...
Middlebury Institute graduates discuss where they are working today, how the Institute helped them get there, and what advice they’d give to current and future MIIS students. At Naughty Dog—the game ...
This year we have four Rohatyn Global Scholars Interns, or Mentors, three of whom have been members of previous RGS cohorts. All Interns are part of the Rohatyn Student Advisory Board (RSAB) and help ...
Our Rohatyn Global Fellows Interns are part of the Rohatyn Student Advisory Board (RSAB). In addition to working with the Fellows Program, they also help with other student events and activities on ...
Middlebury Institute graduates discuss where they are working today, how the Institute helped them get there, and what advice they’d give to current and future MIIS students. My name is Seongji Kim ...
Our partner institutions in France require incoming exchange students to provide proof of French proficiency when our on-site staff pre-enrolls students for the upcoming semester or year.