A new analysis by Artificial Analysis offers the most comprehensive comparison to date of leading AI chatbots, including ChatGPT, Claude, Bing Chat, and Poe. ChatGPT wins half of the six categories, ...
Google has unveiled DataGemma, a set of open models designed to improve the accuracy and reliability of large-scale language models by grounding them in real-world data. According to Google, the ...
During recent "Office Hours," Midjourney founder and CEO David Holz personally shared updates on current projects and answered community questions via Discord. After rapid progress in a short time, ...
The Center for AI Safety (CAIS) has developed an AI system that reportedly makes better predictions than human experts. A study shows it even surpasses groups of human forecasters. FiveThirtyNine is ...
OpenAI describes o1 as a "significant advancement" and a "new level of AI capability." The model has been trained using reinforcement learning to go through an internal "thought process" before ...
The inaugural international festival for AI-generated short films, themed "Synthetic Stories, Human Hearts," saw "To Dear Me" by Gisele Tong triumph over more than 1,000 submissions from 59 countries.
Faced with the increasing capabilities of AI in programming, the human-centered Codeforces coding competition has decided to ban AI entries. However, enforcing this ban may prove challenging.
Chinese AI startup MiniMax has unveiled Video-01, its first AI model capable of generating high-resolution videos from text prompts. CEO Yan Junjie presented Video-01 at a company event, sharing some ...
Under the pressure of dwindling resources and increasing violence in Afghanistan, the US military developed an AI system in 2019 to predict Taliban attacks. It was surprisingly accurate. As NATO ...
AI video startups Runway and Luma AI have released APIs for their video generation models within hours of each other. This allows companies and developers to integrate AI video technology into their ...
The AI company Magic AI has developed a language model specialized in code with a context window of 100 million tokens. Magic AI has developed a new language model called LTM-2-mini that can work with ...
Researchers from universities in Hong Kong and China, along with Tencent, have developed GameGen-O, an AI model that can create simulations of open-world video games. Accotding to the research team, ...