Qutub Minar, one of the most magnificent stone towers of the Indian subcontinent, dates back to the time of Sultan Qutub-ud-Din Aibak. The monument was built under the reign of the great Sultan and, ...
The Amateur Kabaddi Federation of India (AKFI) is the central body for the administration and promotion of game of Kabaddi in India. Established in 1973, AKFI is preceded by the Indian Kabaddi ...
India is a country that will mesmerize you with its intriguing history and fascinating past. Though life has become very complex in modern times, the interesting facts of India continue to awe people ...
Annaprashan is one of the major Hindu rituals in India. A baby stays on only milk, till the time of his Anna Prashan ceremony. On this occasion, the food pattern of the baby is changed and he is given ...
In the Indian subcontinent, it is a tradition to hold a Godh Bharai ceremony in Hindus, basically, on two occasions. One is before a wedding and the second is in the seventh month of pregnancy of an ...
Lord Shiva is considered as the destroyer of the Universe as per the Hindu Mythology. Shiva is one of the most popular gods of the Hindus. Lord Shiva is a complex god like goddess Kali, being ...
India is a rising economic power. Individual incomes are increasing, stock markets are booming, foreign investors are coming, loans are easily available and there is optimism all around. Apart from ...
DLF Pramerica Life Insurance Company Ltd. (DPLI) is jointly owned by DLF Limited and Prudential International Insurance Holdings, Ltd. (a fully owned subsidiary of Prudential Financial, Inc. or PFI).
Known as the founder of Mauryan Empire, King Chandragupta Maurya is considered to be one of the most able rulers who ruled and unified India. Chandragupta Maurya ruled from 320 - 298 B.C approximately ...
Shortly after remarriage, biological parents and step parents must negotiate the rules and consequences for their children behind closed doors. In front of step children, biological parent passes of ...
In modern times, people are becoming very calorie conscious. Calories are a must for the body, as they are generate energy. But as it is said that an excess of anything is bad and the same applies to ...
Indian entrepreneurs are making waves all across the world. Indian business firms are making acquisitions abroad and spreading their tentacles in various corners of the world. Indian Entrepreneurs ...