根据中国气象局,“摩羯”将于星期五(9月6日)下午至夜间在海南到广东一带沿海登陆,可能成为近年袭击中国最猛烈的风暴。 “摩羯”威力已达 ...
最近西北太平洋上演着接连不断地风起云涌。在第11号台风摩羯给我国海南、广东雷州半岛和越南、缅甸等国造成严重灾情之后,13号台风贝碧嘉又在9月16日清晨登陆上海并深入内陆,给上海、浙江、江苏、安徽、河南、山东多地带来严重影响。而在贝碧嘉即将登陆之际,1 ...
台风一词源自希腊神话中大地之母盖亚之Typhon, 它是一头长着一百个龙头的魔物,传说这头魔物的孩子们就是可怕的大风,后来,这个字词传入中国,与广东话ToiFung融合在一起,就成为Typhoon一词了。
在第 11 号台风摩羯给我国海南、广东雷州半岛和越南、缅甸 ... 图源:Agora-Digital Typhoon 今年的台风活动为何呈现先少后多的趋势?最主要原因与 ...
TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — The strongest typhoon to hit Shanghai since at least 1949 flooded roads with water and broken tree branches, knocked out power to some homes and injured at least one person ...
The typhoon was the strongest to hit Shanghai since 1949, according to a report from China Central Television. The city reported a small number of power outages and some flooding of farmland, CCTV ...
All flights at Shanghai’s two main airports were cancelled on Sunday as authorities in the Chinese megacity prepared for a strong typhoon bringing high winds and heavy rain. Typhoon Bebinca is ...