Emily now knows that her heart had stopped beating for ten seconds, but at the time she had no idea her life was at risk.
If you experience severe or sudden calf pain or suddenly have trouble moving or walking, it’s time to contact a healthcare ...
Lelin Kandel was the general manager of the first Pokeworks and is now helping to expand the brand’s reach in Boston ...
A study of 80,000 people in the U.K. shows that to reduce the risk of heart disease, people should do activities that require them to move during the work day ...
While prolonged standing has its own risks, the use of standing desks at work can, to some extent, help lessen the risks of ...
Factors including stress, hormones, anxiety, medication, and physical activity also contribute to what may be considered a ...
Back pain is becoming nothing short of an epidemic, mostly thanks to the rise of the sedentary lifestyle and endless hours of ...
Heart & Vascular Center is offering new hope for cardiac patients with a less invasive alternative to open-heart surgery.
When Chris Abrunzo was in his early 20s, his father was struck by the kind of heart attack known as a "widow maker." The severe cardiac events are often fatal, and while Abrunzo's father survived ...
So, the pressure in the vein is higher than it ought to be. This forces the blood to seek other ways back into the heart, including the superficial veins, which can then swell and become painful.