Anime as a genre has a diehard following that includes fans from all over the globe. Anime is known for its distinct visual ...
“Whether it’s for games, films or anime, we don’t have that much IP that we fostered from the beginning,” said chief financial officer Hiroki Totoki, who is widely seen as Yoshida’s ...
Azure Balmung in ".hack//G.U. Vol. 2: Kimi Omou Koe" (VG) (Japanese) Azure Balmung in ".hack//G.U. Vol. 3: Aruku you na Hayasa de" (VG) (Japanese) Azure Balmung in ...
Born in Honolulu, O’ahu on Jan. 10, 1917, she was a retired Pre-School Teacher with Hanapepe Hongwanji. She is survived by: four sons: Claude (Judy) Kouchi of Los Angeles, Calif., ...
Hiroki Aiga heard the bad news and unfortunately, there was no mishearing it this time. His favorite TV show, “Tamori Club,” was ending its 40-year run in March. Aiga, who lives in Tamano ...