Little evidence supports the use of saffron as an effective anxiety treatment. However, people may want to try it in small doses as part of their diet, alongside conventional treatments for anxiety.
Anxiety, in many cases, is a natural response to life’s challenges. For many, these moments of anxiety are fleeting and manageable. However, when these feelings persist and begin to interfere ...
Facing anxiety head-on and approaching it differently can enhance your life. That's according to David H. Rosmarin, PhD, a psychologist and associate professor at Harvard Medical School ...
People with anxiety often ask for reassurance about their safety from their loved ones. If given, the reassurance usually provides only temporary relief, especially for patients whose anxiety is ...
Certain foods like almonds, and herbs, such as chamomile, can benefit brain function and potentially relieve anxiety symptoms. Anxiety is one of the most prevalent mental health conditions ...
Many factors, like financial concerns or dealing with conflict, can trigger anxiety symptoms. Being aware of the cause can help you cope with stressors and manage your anxiety. Anxiety can cause ...
The true cause of anxiety is being a human being, gifted with the capacity to imagine a future. As a mental state of apprehension about what might, or might not, lie ahead, anxiety reflects ...
Shortness of breath is a symptom of anxiety. Certain situations can trigger anxiety, which can cause shortness of breath. Feeling short of breath can also make a person feel more anxious.
A paranoid thought is a type of anxious thought. Anxiety can cause paranoia, affecting what you’re paranoid about and how long the feeling lasts. But paranoid thoughts can also make you anxious.
When your loved one is experiencing anxiety, you might be struggling with how to help them. Dealing with anxiety is very personal, and so is helping a loved one who is anxious. In general, it’s best ...