Recipes from a Native Chef,” Yevhen Klopotenko celebrates the foods that separate Ukraine from Russia.
challah-like pampushky bread is a perfect pairing with the soup.” Kim and Clark have been busy this month reviving their first restaurant, launching the more casual Parachute Hi-Fi, a laid-back ...
"Green borsch is enhanced with dill and nettles, stocked with boiled egg and slices of fingerling potato, while the freshly baked, butter-glazed, challah-like pampushky bread is a perfect pairing ...
The Avondale restaurant, celebrated for its green borsch and pampushky bread, has now established itself as a recommended dining destination. "Throw back a shot of horseradish-infused vodka or sip ...
Ukrainians celebrate Christmas as per the Julian calendar on January 7th. The tradition of Christmas dinner is pretty intriguing, as it consists of twelve meatless dishes that symbolize twelve ...