The silent film era gave the world a lot to remember it by, including this sweet, rum-based cocktail named in honor of one of ...
Technically, any rum with a 45% ABV (90-proof ... and it's the reason why Zombie and El Presidente cocktails clock such a ...
Non è stato ancora deciso se il presidente russo Vladimir Putin si recherà a Rio de Janeiro per partecipare al summit G20 dal ...
'Mancheranno le figure capaci di arginare il pericoloso protagonismo del magnate'.
Despite its relaxed, beachy reputation, the history surrounding the Mai Tai is murkier than a bottle of dark rum. The origin story (or stories) revolve around two prominent figures in the golden ...
La controversia sulla mostra del Futurismo e lo scandalo alla Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna di Roma. Sindacalisti protestano contro la presentazione del libro "Perché l'Italia è di destra" e criti ...
As the temps start to cool, one hidden gem in Alexandria is heating up. The Loft at Lena’s -- Havana 151, inconspicuously ...
La presidente della Georgia, Salome Zurabishvili, incontrerà oggi a Bruxelles il presidente del Consiglio europeo, Charles ...
The market for old rum in Britain has been having a... well, a rum old time. Sales of all types of rum passed £1bn last summer for the previous 12 months – a 51% increase on 2019, according to ...
As for drinks, be sure to try the strong local coffee and the Presidente beer. "Mamajuana" is another popular, celebratory beverage made of tree bark and herbs soaked in rum, red wine and honey ...
However, some rums are darkened and flavoured with caramel. Rum is great in cocktails, from classic rum punch to the Mai Tai and Singapore Sling. It is also used in desserts, including cakes ...
Coca-Cola e Bacardi lanciano un cocktail pre-miscelato BACARDÍ rum e Coca-Cola, disponibile nel 2025 in mercati selezionati.