Tetris Time Warp adds a new twist to the classic game by introducing a magical Time Warp tetromino with unique challenges. ...
This may be the hardest puzzle in Level 3, as it requires some tricky mid-drop movements and rotations. The first Tetromino ...
Tetris Forever brings a wealth of knowledge about the series and great nostalgic gameplay, but a few pieces have yet to drop ...
The latest in Digital Eclipse's documentary-game hybrid Gold Master Series, Tetris Forever is shaping up to be a really fun ...
The video game that helped end the Cold War (kind of) is honoured with an interactive museum featuring 18 different versions, ...
That means the ancient technique of steadily building a wall with a nice gap in it for the long tetromino so you can clear four rows at once isn’t going to work here. Often you’re also ...
Time Warp plays like modern Tetris, with one big twist. Every time you clear ten lines, you’ll get a time warp tetromino, which cycles through several different looks, each representing a ...
As the music track progresses, you must react to the changing tempo, changing how quickly you place each tetromino to keep up with the music. It’s not just a case of keeping pace, though ...
Tetris 99 is a high-octane battle royale, where the steeliest tetromino spinnin' speed demons test their mettle. The game is just like any other modern version of Tetris -- t-spins are pretty easy ...
Given its turbulent history and numerous editions, could Tetris Forever be the ultimate treasure in the vault of video game ...