Even in America, antisemitism is being mainstreamed, particularly among the young. The post-Holocaust reprieve has ended.
On September 29-30, 1941, tens of thousands of Jews walked the streets of Kyiv. They thought they were going to save ...
The often-quoted wisdom of George Santayana, “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” feels painfully ...
Finding the stories of individual Jews who fought the Nazis publicly and at great peril helped a scholar see history ...
Just before the second World War broke out, in 1938 the New Industries (Development) Act sought to lure employers to the ...
This time, he’s pre-emptively targeting Jews who don’t vote for him. As he did with the Proud Boys, he’s already giving ...
A group of Jewish students on Ohio State’s campus said it has been a tough year for their community. But with Rosh Hashanah, ...
Authorities must address the disparities in bomb shelter access and siren warning coverage between the Bedouin and Jewish ...
Antisemitism has endured for centuries, taking on new forms with each generation. How do we explain how reasonable, ...
Part of the Babi Yar ravine on the outskirts of Kiev, Ukraine, where the advancing Red Army unearthed the bodies of thousands of Jews killed by the Nazis. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on ...
A world free from such hatred, especially the antisemitism that remains one of the last acceptable prejudices, would be a ...
I recall all of that to put Trump’s latest dip into the cesspool of bigotry in context.