Since 1988, UNESCO has sought to better understand the rich history and shared legacy of the historic Silk Roads, and the ways in which cultures have mutually influenced each other. In light of the ...
À une époque marquée par la vitesse vertigineuse de l’innovation technologique et l’obsolescence rapide d’une nouvelle plate-forme brillante après l’autre, la radio entame son deuxième siècle de ...
Project management can also tap onto a range of alternative (“non-traditional”) approaches, methodologies and tools in order to best address the problem identified and to better achieve project ...
What evidence and/or data do you have that supports the identified problem? You not only need a good problem definition, but it is also equally important to have solid evidence and/or data to prove ...
Cities grew up along the Silk Roads as essential hubs of trade and exchange, here merchants and travellers came to stop and rest their animals and begin the process of trading their goods. From Xi’an ...
From the mid-seventh century, Muslim Arab armies from Saudi Arabia began to travel north into Central Asia and west across Africa, invading the countries they passed. The Sasanian Empire, exhausted ...
The vast trade networks of the Silk Roads carried more than just merchandise and precious commodities. In fact, the constant movement and mixing of populations brought about the widespread ...
Much research has been done into life and times of the great Chinese navigator, Zheng He, who extended and promoted China’s official maritime trade during the Ming dynasty. Countries that Zheng He ...
We’ve elaborated the UNESCO Project Planner – Top Tips for Youth Action to help you move from an idea to an actionable project plan. If you have identified a problem in your community, and have an ...
Archaeological finds uncovered in Butuan City in the North of Mindanao in the Philippines Archipelago have provided considerable evidence of the regions connections with the Maritime Silk Roads. The ...
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The cultural landscape and archaeological remains of the Bamiyan Valley represent the artistic and religious developments which from the 1st to the 13th centuries characterized ancient Bakhtria, ...