A group of five constitutional lawyers in Juba on Monday filed a petition to the Supreme Court of South Sudan to challenge the extension of the transitional period of the 2018 revitalized peace ...
Deng John Deng, a South Sudanese lawyer, told Radio Tamazuj that the three administrative areas of Abyei, Ruweng, and Pibor ...
This year’s graduation at the Al Daein University in Sudan’s East Darfur State will be held on November on 20, the Council ...
A 42-year-old man identified as Loikoi Paul Lorikaii who worked as a supervisor of health workers at Torit Municipal Council ...
The International Day of Peace, observed globally on September 21, was established in 1981 by a unanimous UN resolution to ...
قالت نائبة حاكم ولاية شرق الاستوائية في جنوب السودان، إن قرار تمديد فترة الحكومة الانتقالية، كان الخيار الوحيد لتجنب الفوضى ...
قالت سلطات ولاية واراب بجنوب السودان، “الجمعة”، إن مجتمع بويار في مقاطعة قوقريال الشرقية وأبيم ميار مارينق في مقاطعة تونج ...
أعرب الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة عن انزعاجه الشديد إزاء التقارير التي تفيد بشن قوات الدعم السريع هجوما شاملا على الفاشر، عاصمة ...
The people of Warrap State on Saturday commemorated International Peace Day with a strong call to end communal violence ...
Warrap State authorities on Friday said the Buoyar community in Gogrial East County and the Abiem Mayar Mareng of Tonj North ...
SSCSF said it firmly advocated for the Tumaini Initiative talks in Kenya as the viable pathway towards building genuine ...
The deputy governor of Eastern Equatoria State, who also heads the SPLM-IO in the state, lauded the presidency for extending ...