Correspondence to Dr Mette Asbjoern Neergaard, Palliative Care Unit, Department of Oncology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus 8200, Denmark; mettneer{at} If you wish to reuse any or all of this ...
Background Cholestatic itch is caused by intrahepatic liver diseases, such as primary biliary cirrhosis and extrahepatic obstruction of the biliary tree, often caused by tumours. The pathophysiology ...
Background Palliative care has an important role to play in addressing the bereavement needs of families. A small number of systematic reviews of bereavement interventions are available 1 2 but these ...
Background Morbidity and mortality (M&M) meetings are a recognised tool for improving quality of care. We have developed an M&M process within the HSPCT at University Hospitals of Leicester (UHL).
Background Patients frequently present to the emergency department (ED) in their last year of life; improving goal-directed care and symptom management for these patients is important to promote ...
Rationale This abstract describes postgraduate-level teaching for newly hired nurses at a community-based home hospice service in Singapore. This project is intended for the continuous professional ...