Female worker bees, which forage for the whole colony, struggle more to detect scents in the heat than males do, per the ...
A shrill carder bee has not been seen in the Romney Marsh area of the county for more than a decade, but conservationists say ...
Stephenson’s Rocket transformed travel, and had a big impact on insect life too, says Alan Wright of the Lancashire Wildlife Trust ...
Among them is the western bumblebee — Bombus occidentalis ... Their rapid decline since the ’90s is attributed to habitat loss, climate change and a pathogen spread by commercial bees.
A team of researchers from Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) has now investigated in more detail how heat affects one particular player in these processes: The bumblebee. Bumblebees ...
Autumn colors have started to paint the landscape. As beautiful as those reds, oranges and yellows are, many gardeners tend ...
Roaming a stretch of land in Lamont County, members of the Métis Nation of Alberta’s conservation and climate change ...
Habitat restoration on the small holding where the bee was found had taken place over three years and included a wildflower meadow, gardens, native trees and two new ponds. Bumblebee Conservation ...
The animals which developed flying under power — which means they can stay up doing so — are birds, insects, bats and ...
Autumn colors have started to paint the landscape. As beautiful as those reds, oranges and yellows are, many gardeners tend ...
While corn and soybeans dominate the Midwestern landscape today, some farmers are integrating strips of native prairie back into their fields. This conservation practice has expanded to more than a ...