Selain berguna sebagai bumbu masak, daun pandan bisa diolah dengan cara direbus sebagai obat tradisional. Ingin tahu manfaat dan cara mudah membuat rebusan daun pandan di rumah? Simak jawabannya ...
How did those ancient herb enthusiasts preserve their herbs? They dried them. Drying is the best method for preserving most herbs to retain their flavor and medicinal properties for future use.
What would happen if humans dried out the Mediterranean sea, turning it into a giant salt lake? Would its wildlife survive, and if so, how long would it take to recover? These may seem like wildly ...
Examples are mint, coriander leaves, spring onion, basil, fish mint, sawtooth coriander, rice paddy herb and Vietnamese coriander (better known as daun kesum locally). Vietnamese desserts to end ...
In part a stunning luxurious property that offers a brief respite from the chaos of the city, as well as a carefully constructed ecosystem on a substantial nature plot, the Mangala Estate Boutique ... - Daun sirih adalah bahan alami yang dapat digunakan untuk penyembuhan beberapa penyakit. Dilansir dari laman Kementerian Kesehatan, daun sirih baik untuk kesehatan karena mengandung ...
Aduk-aduk. 5. Tambahkan beras tumbuk, aduk-aduk 6. Masukkan wortel, kacang panjang, kangkung, ubi jalar, pakis dan daun kesum. Aduk-aduk, masak dengan api kecil hingga matang, angkat. 7. Sajikan ...