Ende stigmë dhe tabu! Ish-presidentja e Kosovës, Atifete Jahjaga, e cila angazhohet për të mbijetuarat e dhunës seksuale ...
Asnjë premtim nga SHBA-ja nuk u përmbush, por kjo nuk do të thotë se ne duhet të ndalojmë përpjekjet tona”, tha Lavrov, duke shtuar se lufta rrezikon të kthehet në një konflikt të ...
Lideri i opozitës, Sali Berisha ka folur sot për fjalimin që pritet të mbajë Edi Rama në OKB, ku sipas kryedemokratit do ...
Kosovo announced the indictment of 45 suspects on terrorism charges on Wednesday, almost a year after ethnic Serb gunmen ...
Serbia has demanded that an election be held and ethnic Serbs return to police and judiciary in a Serb-populated northern ...
Northern Kosovo, with a predominantly ethnic Serb population, has long been a flashpoint of tensions between Pristina and ...
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic urged Kosovo to hold local elections in its Serb-populated north as a way to defuse ethnic ...
Kurti says West too cautious with Belgrade PM urges EU to referee Kosovo-Serbia deal Western officials have criticised Kurti ...
The beginning of high school football season has seen a string of deaths. Players are most at risk in the late summer months of August and September. Elkhorn North remained undefeated after ...
STORY: Kosovo indicted 45 suspects on terrorism charges on Wednesday ().The charges stem from a brazen attack almost a year ...