Two weeks ago, I had a deep and meaningful experience in the small fishing village of Tai-O in Lantau Island, Hong Kong. Fr. Jojo had long ago invited me to visit him in his mission station in that ...
The gospel passage today begins with the disciples complaining about someone who is not part of their fold using the name of Jesus to drive out demons. They had already judged that the stranger was ...
Today’s gospel brings us two profound themes: the Messianic secret and the debate among the disciples about who is the greatest. These themes are not just historical events but lessons that resonate ...
The reason we love God is God himself and the measure of loving him is loving him without measure. Last Sunday, we saw that Peter first showed that he was aware of Jesus’ identity by calling him the ...
He appointed Twelve, whom he also named Apostles, that they might be with him and he might send them forth to preach and to have authority to drive out demons. Mark 3:14–15 The Twelve Apostles were ...
Does the Church really want me? Yes, the Church does want you, but the question is how does the Church want you? As a faithful single person, a husband and father, or as a priest? If you believe that ...
In today’s Gospel, Jesus teaches his disciples the true meaning of greatness. While they were preoccupied with earthly status, He reminds them that to be first in His Kingdom, one must be last and ...
Papa encoraja jovens a proporem uma nova economia O Papa Francisco exortou os jovens da Fundação “Economia de Francisco” a mudar o mundo da economia, «amando-o, à luz de Jesus», tendo sublinhado os de ...
Fotografias solidárias Três fotografias por uma boa causa. Gonçalo Lobo Pinheiro colocou à venda cópias assinadas de três dos ...
Romano, o Melodista: transmitir a fé através da poesia e do canto Na sua série de catequeses sobre os Pais (Padres) da Igreja ...
Acolher os dons dos outros Há duas semanas, tive uma experiência profunda e significativa na pequena aldeia piscatória de Tai ...
A “Pequena Flor” que buscava a santidade nas pequenas coisas Também conhecida como Santa Teresa de Lisieux, esta santa francesa nasceu a 2 de Janeiro de 1873, em Alençon, na Normandia, vindo a falecer ...