Dynavector needs little introduction to audiophiles. Its highly regarded MC cartridges have been the topic of favorable reviews in the pages of audiophile journals for nearly four decades. I have had ...
The Cambridge Audio Azur 640v v2.0 has a very long name, but is an otherwise unassuming CD player. Still, it is the top CD machine of this English brand. This is the second version (V2.0) of this ...
As the great debate still rages on about analog vs. digital, I don't know if it will ever end. It might someday. Maybe when they (the digital gurus out there) finally figure out that CD's sound, well ...
Come è consuetudine con i prodotti Cambridge Audio, essi sono progettati e costruiti secondo uno standard elevato. I controlli danno una sensazione di solidità e la mia unica lamentela è che finite ...
In the first installment of this series we had a look at the noise generated at the output of a number of easy to build and cheap voltage regulators: single-chip series and shunt regs (LM317/337 and ...
This is not the happiest way to re-open the magazine after our usual holidays break but I simply can't avoid this. A week ago a true legend of the HiFi arena, James Bongiorno, passed away. It is a sad ...
Once you leave the anemic dynamics of all monkey coffins you are taking on a brave new challenge that few Americans are able to confront...the challenge of authentic music dynamics that only horns can ...
Alcuni anni fa decisi di cambiare il pre-amplificatore, che ritenevo essere, all'epoca, l'anello debole del mio impianto. La sfida sarebbe consistita nel trovare il miglior componente possibile entro ...
This amplifier review was originally intended as a Christmas stocking filler review, unfortunately I was out of reviewing action with a family illness and the review was delayed. Now I am back and ...
The phrase There are more ways than one to skin a cat could have been invented to describe the art of getting music from the tiny grooves of an LP record. You don't need me to list the huge variation ...
Approx. price: Sword 3m pair: $795 - Rondo 4x2.5= $2.60 / foot - Fork XL Spades= $20.00 / pack I admit to having a long-standing curiosity about the Swedish Supra line of cables. First of all, they're ...
One of the most frequently asked questions on our Readers' Corner appears to be related to speakers placement. More precisely, audiophiles seem to be concerned by the presence of the rear wall, and ...