Positive self-talk is a strategy that we can use to help us get through anxiety provoking situations. It helps us to break stress up and involves focusing on positive rather than negative statements.
Positive self-talk and self-affirmation can help you improve your wellness and stick to your goals. Use positive self-talk to encourage yourself toward healthy choices and attitudes.
Note to self: You are amazing. I can control my breathing. I will stay calm, it will get better. I will allow myself to forgive; it will allow me to move beyond the pain, to a place of peace. I choose to make today amazing. I choose to let the past go and move on to the future. Today, I will be courageous. I release all fear from my mind.
Share your thoughts on a hobby or activity that brings you joy, emphasizing its significance to your overall wellbeing. Identify and celebrate three unique qualities that make you stand out as an individual. Describe a self-care ritual or practice that serves as a source of rejuvenation.
My high self-esteem enables me to respect others and get respect back in return. have the strength to make my dreams come true. am free to make my own choices and decisions. am a unique and a very special person and worthy of respect from others.
Positive self talk can improve self-esteem, well-being, and confidence I Am 9ßAvE AND STRONG. I Am SmART AND CAPABLE. my VOICE mATTERS. I mATTER. 1 am WORTHY OF LOVE AND CARE. I Am ENOUGH, AND I Am It"PORTANT. I CAN maKE A POSITIVE DIFFERENCE. Author: McCoy, Taylar Created Date:
Outnumbering your negative self talk thoughts with positive ones can help teach your unconscious brain that you like yourself and are kind to yourself, rather than not liking and criticizing yourself. Taking the time to identify and change your patterns of self talk is a great form of self care.
Positive Affirmations: 101 Life-Changing Thoughts To Practice Daily 1. Happiness is my birthright. I embrace happiness as my set-point state of being. 2. I feel joy and contentment at this moment right now. 3. I awaken in the morning feeling happy and enthusiastic about life. 4. I can tap into a wellspring of inner happiness anytime I wish. 5.
• Choose a Mantra or Affirmation: To get started with creating more positive self-talk, choose a simple affirmation, such as "I am strong," or the mantra "Go, Go, Go," or another simple, positive phrase you can repeat over and over.
Positive Self-talk / Coping Thoughts Worksheet. Positive statements encourage us and help us cope through distressing times and when we feel triggered. We can say these encouraging words to ourselves, and be our own personal coach.