Philipp Zech and Justus Piater. Abstract—We guess humans start acquiring grasping skills as early as at the infant stage by virtue of two key processes. First, infants attempt to learn grasps for known objects by imitating humans. Secondly, knowledge acquired during this process is reused in learning to grasp novel objects.
Philipp Zech. Stephan Rinderknecht. Operational modal analysis (OMA) is used to place piezoelectric inertial mass actuators optimally on a test rig for active vibration control (AVC). The...
Philipp Zech and Justus Piater Department of Computer Science, University of Innsbruck The 6 th Austrian Robotics Workshop of the Austrian Association for Measurement, Automation and Robotics
investigate the application of model-free stochastic optimization for grasp learning. For this, our proposed learning method requires just a handful of user-demonstrated grasps and an initial prior by a rough sketch of an object’s grasp affordance density, yet no object geometric knowledge except for its pose.
Mitigating Uncertainty by Learning to Grasp Under Blindness. Philipp Zech and Justus Piater Department of Computer Science, University of Innsbruck, Austria. workhorses to complex, inter- and reactive autonomous agents. However, this move from a closed to an open world comes at the cost of both uncertainty .
About MODELS conference MODELS, the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, is the premier conference series for model-driven software and systems engineering, and is organized with support of ACM SIGSOFT and IEEE TCSE.